i am uppity cyclist
tomorrow is a mystery that smells like an orange
07 aug, 2001
peach cobbler? peach cobbler?
man, what i wouldn't give for a good old-fashioned vanilla ice cream
06 aug, 2001
felt, wool bits, cotton. sewn together it all ends up being a scrappy throw
03 aug, 2001
does tomorrow sing a happy song?
can tomorrow go and get my bong?
is tomorrow just another way to poke my eye and run away?when tomorrow fumbles for the door, the breaking glass
(you stomping clod!)
to open portals where one stands
"good morning sir - have you found god?"tomorrow bacon in my pan - more sizzling heart-corroding crap
that sends me back into the bed, my stomach full, an early nap!tomorrow gently whispers thus: to plan, to plan and stage a rush
again to profit and to play - whatever will i do today?so quickly then before the fade,
and night comes draping in its wealth
of friends and drink and stories told,
tomorrow ends too old, too old.
02 aug, 2001
Chris used to go to La Nouvelle for dinner all the time. Christ, he must have been there a dozen times with Tracy alone, not to mention all the other girls. "It's been what now - over a month? What the hell has happened to me" he practically said aloud as he sat up in his lounge chair - Bob Barker rattling on with some ridiculous 3-minutes-of-simulated-fame-nobody hoping to win a new Geo for his family on the tv in the background."I don't care. I don't care and it's time that I get up and get to it"Chris put down his single-serving butterscotch pudding tin, resolute, manly. He called Tina, always a good bet for an enjoyable evening out, certainly if there was good food involved. He let the phone ring for what, about 5 minutes?"Fine, whatever" he thought. "I'll call her tomorrow. whatever".
30 july, 2001
flin flappin inda nes colettin natter. for estin, nop, nop tudor oop setfraw skibbeldaster.
semmin chosta, semmin natter nop lortsa semmin saw
26 july, 2001
phil always walked down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets. it was a bad habit (he supposed from time to time) but really, he didn't think about it all that much.this one day phil was walking in his neighborhood down to the sunshine market on the corner, which was funny because it was one of the least sun-shiny places that he could even think of, when the powell's dog, reid, shot out from behind the fence that usually kept him from terrorizing passers-by.phil whipped up to a run as fast as he could but while doing so was unable to pull his damned hands from his pockets. as reid neared phil's right ankle he sort of twisted his hips, kicked up the back of his right foot and slammed it into reid's anxious mouth.the dog veered away yelping and phil started his slow fall down to the sidewalk. watching the cement come up to his face, ready to mark it for a few weeks with at least an abrasion that could actually make phil look a little tough, phil thought to himself "absolutely. tomorrow i start walking with my hands out of my pockets".
25 july, 2001
tomorrow hasn't called me for days. i'm thinking of completely removing tomorrow from my fucking address book
23 july, 2001
tomorrow hums to itself so as not to hear the roar of the traffic
20 july, 2001
sometimes while brushing her teeth in the morning, carol would imagine herself in baltimore again, walking through the park in her old neighborhood. there would be children playing and on any given day she would run into a friend - a chance meeting that would always lead to an impromptu coffee or lunch.carol focused back on her image, letting the smell of leaves and grass fade away. thinking that her phone call to scott was long overdue she allowed herself a false respite."tomorrow" she promised herself. tomorrow
19 july, 2001
tomorrow reaches backwards from a moment felt to shed light on what had come before
18 july, 2001
tomorrow pauses as it reaches for a glass of water, remembering the crazy man who had sliced open his bicycle tire with a knife on a late-night bart train years before
14 july, 2001
even with my face pressed up against the window such that my lips lay flat and twisted, i cannot make out the blurry form of tomorrow walking my way
13 july, 2001
tomorrow drifts up the windshield like the exploded carcass of a wasp, pushed up by the force of driving along at 93 miles per hour
12 july, 2001
tomorrow has already been sold to the highest bidder
11 july, 2001
tomorrow stands at the top of the stairs screaming of indifferent and tawdry youth
10 july, 2001
tomorrow is cheap, dreams are easy. the quickest to be fooled are the boys from the city
09 july, 2001
while singing softly to herself upon the rocks overlooking the coast, melissa would have thought nothing of tossing her brother clayton over the side, watching him bounce down and down until finally resting on the sand
06 july, 2001
tomorrow wriggles and sobs, eating your heart until you sleep yet again
05 july, 2001
tomorrow is a whisper drowned out by sirens of the now
03 july, 2001
though washington had a serious cold and jefferson conspired against adams, tomorrow is national forget about history day
02 july, 2001
tomorrow is like a small sound coming from somebody's briefcase
29 june, 2001
tomorrow hangs on high, too far to see but close enough to smell